Friday, September 11, 2009

Different types of Customers

There are the regular customers and there are THOSE customers.
What i mean is, after serving customers for awhile you'll

notice something else. The regular customers are those no-

nonsense buyers, these are the ones that just drop by at your store

and buy stuff.... But after awhile, you get THOSE customers who

are a league of their own. They come in all sizes and types.

the High-priced customers: they're the type who are looking for a

much higher priced items. Example for these buyers are the

ones who are still looking for P50 per kilo of rice when it's all over

the news that rice had gone down already, in this case, we try to

explain that the P50 per kilo now is at P42 and the P40/kilo is now

P35... but still they think i'm just trying to sell them b.s. to make a

buck... so they go to other stores and buy the same kind of rice at

the price they think it should be.....

The Two-brand but only one thing we're buying customers... these

type go to your store and go "can i please buy some colgate, close

-up green" or " 1 EQ pampers large please". it makes you wonder if

your going to give them colgate or close-up, or if its EQ or

pampers... when you ask them...they look at you as if your stupid

or something. Try educating them a little bit, you'll feel the blunt

of their tongue or feel really mean for making them feel dumb.

The Mind Changers - these types are really hard to please, they are

the ones who come up the store and and ask for something like

Ovaltine, then after a few minutes would come back and decide he

wants Milo instead, and later in the afternoon would bemoan the

fact that we should have offered him nescafe 3-in-1 earlier coz he's

getting sleeping with the hot milo he drank. Then later in

the evening would tell us that he should have kopiko coz he's

really sleep now...(which at that point would get us thinking, please

don't buy coffee coz you won't get any sleep), and behold by

morning he'll be at the store, asking for ovaltine and the cycle

repeats itself again. Believe me they come in hot drink brand mind

changer, diaper brand mind changer, toothpaste, shampoo (and for

the love of God --there are over 12 different brands of shanpoo,

with over 6 variants for each brand), noodles and SARDINES (don't get me started on sardines)

The Diet Concious - not just the chubby ones, we get more slender

ones who are diet concious customers. These are customers who

insists on buying "JUNK" food that's healthy, canned goods without

preservatives, powdered juice that's fresh, softdrinks without

calories, and chocolate bars that have more cocoa than sugar (coz

they've been told by a teacher its less fattening if its content have

more cocoa).

The Highly Educated customers - these are the great einsteins of

all customers, they have good and bad comments on every single

product, from what the contents are in a certain product, how it is

made, its nutritional value, how it affects the environment, or how

you would smell after using the product of course depending on

your body type. They're the most beloved by others customers,

coz they know everything (product wise). Although to be fair,

sometimes their comments are uncalled for, like ovaltine for

example....our sales plummet after one einstein said, the reason it

taste different from milo is because its made in a cointainer where

cockroaches stay during the evenings when production stops.

I did ask the einstein where he go the info, (maybe i thought he

work for ovaltine or something... he told me a fmily member told

him the way that family member does not work for ovaltine


And lastly, the tambay customer, these are the type of customer wherein all they do is stay at the store, they wake up and stays with the store until closing time, only leaving when nature calls. they keep the other customers in line, they also act as extended salesmen of the store, talking about new products that has come in and enticing other customers to buy more.

Don't get me wrong, i love my customers, they pay for my

overhead, and it makes me smile a lot with the stories the weave

on why they think a product should be bought and others not. But

sometimes, i can really see how a person can be molded by a TV

personality, a family member or even by a teacher when it comes

to buying a product. The sad part of it all, sometimes, misguided

info can hurt rather than help a product.

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